I'm a villain, Mom.
One day I'll do away with
Pedro. And bedtime.
So I've decided that not much emotional maturity happened for John since his teenage years. I mean, listen to the pout on this "grown man":
"I must be sad when I have cause, and
smile at no man’s jests; eat when I have stomach,
and wait for no man’s leisure; sleep when I am
drowsy, and tend on no man’s business; laugh when
I am merry, and claw no man in his humor."
Sure, that's the dream, right? But it's so entitled. And juvenile. (Now he's got me whining)
It also doesn't help that becoming the biggest turd in existence seems to be the sum total of his ambitions. Let's act our age, John.
#cankerinahedge #cankersgonnacank #notaword #arresteddevelopment #dontbeaturd #putjohnintimeout #pedrosnotscaredofyoujohn #nooneis #youknowwhoisavillian #iago #wakeupjohn #youreinlittleleagues #shakespeare #muchadoaboutnothing #donjohn